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Tugas 2 - Business English 2

Motivation Letter for Applying Computer Science Programme in Griffith University

Fildzah Ruswina
Pondok Kelapa 3 Street
Jakarta, 13450

April 20, 2018

Graduate Program Director
Griffith University

Attn: Graduate Selection Committee

Through this letter, I intend to apply to your master’s degree program in Computer Science. With the educational background that I have in the field of computer, I am very confident that I am suitable candidate for the programme.

I have my bachelor degree at Gunadarma University majoring in Information System. During my study at undergraduate level, I’ve learned several programming languages, such as Q-Basic, Visual Basic, C++, Pascal, COBOL, Java, HTML and PHP. At the first semester, I was taking the networking’s course. The course is using Cisco program as the subject lesson. At the second semester, I was taking the database’s course. I learned about manipulating data using MySQL program. For the other semester, I was taking the Java’s course and continuing the database and networking’s course but using different program.

Before taking the study in the computer field, I wasn’t too familiar with the computing things, especially about the computer coding. I might just understand some basic processing. But my interest with computer things has appeared since I was in junior high school. That’s why I choose this field as my study at undergraduate level. Moreover, people with computer skills will are most widely sought by companies because today almost all big companies using computer technology. Job prospects for graduates of the computer are also very wide and very promising.

I have an experience of making mobile application for Android about Java’s folk songs in order to get the diploma degree. I had also created a mobile application about food ordering for a restaurant. I recently join internship in Indonesia’s Veterinary Research and Development Center. I gathered into one team with my friends and we were assigned to work on some projects. The projects are updating the view of their website and changing the database’s access. For the update website’s view is using Joomla! and for the change of database’s access, we are told to change the database’s access become a localhost network.

Every time I do the computer coding I always enjoy and also feel challenging. Especially, when there are many errors, I always feel curious what makes it error so I will keep looking for how to fix it until it can be done and the program can be run. I have desires to become a web and mobile application developer and maybe could work on Google or Apple company or maybe I could have my own company in my hometown, Indonesia. So, I need to improve and enrich my skill and knowledge in the computer field and I choose Griffith University because I believe Griffith University could help me making my desires real.

I hope what I have written is quite convincing and my application could be accepted. I will be very pleasant if I could be part of Griffith University.


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