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Tugas 1 - Business English 2

Pronoun Analysis based on Opinions about The Micro Computer Released by IBM's Articles

            If we talk about technology, it will be such an endless topic of conversation. It is undeniable that today technology has become a must-have necessity for most people. Almost in every activities, everyone rely on technology. There are so many kind of technologies have spread around the world in various of size, form, and type. There will always be more and more progress and some new outstanding inventions in each time. Computers have rapid development from the beginning of its creation until now. Starting from a computer which uses a vacuum tube, then transistors, processors (known as Personal Computer), and until now, there are types of computers that can be carried anywhere, which is called a laptop. Even recently, there is a very small computer which is made by the famous hardware and software company, IBM.
            IBM released a computer which is claimed as the smallest computer in the world. This computer has a small dimension, which is around 1x1mm. The features of the computer have a processor that has several hundreds of thousands of transistors, SRAM memory, and also there are communication units that uses LED and photo detector to communicate. The computing ability of this computer is equal to the x86 processors from the 1990s. For the power source, this computer uses the photo-voltaic’s cell technology.
            This computer is still intended just for supply chain management process and conterfiet protection. It will work with blockchain technology. Specially, this computer will be the data source for blockchain application. The function is meant to help tracking shipment of the goods and detecting the theft, fraud, and offenses. This computer also able to perform the basic task of Artificial Intelligence, such as sorting the data provided. In the case of delivery of the goods, this computer could work as a kind of "digital watermarks" which embedded in the goods to prevent counterfeiting and misuse in the logistic routes.
            I think this computer is a quite interesting product that ever created along the history of technology. It maybe almost similar with the GPS tracker chip for its usage. But as mentioned, the difference is that the computer has the capability of computing and sorting data. Unfortunately, at this time, this computer is just intended only for the industrial.

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Pronouns are used so that our language is not cumbersome with the same nouns being repeated over and over in a paragraph. Some examples of pronouns include I, me, mine, myself, she, her, hers, herself, we, us, ours and ourselves. You may have noticed that they tend to come in sets of four, all referring to the same person, group or thing.
·         He, him, his and himself, for example, all refer to a male person or something belonging to him.
·         They, them, theirs and themselves all refer to a group or something belonging to a group, and so on.
The truth is that there are many different types of pronouns, each serving a different purpose in a sentence.

Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns can be the subject of a clause or sentence. They are: I, he, she, it, they, we, and you. Example: “They went to the store.”
Personal pronouns can also be objective, where they are the object of a verb, preposition, or infinitive phrase. They are: me, her, him, it, you, them, and us. Example: “David gave the gift to her.”
Subject pronouns are often (but not always) found at the beginning of a sentence. More precisely, the subject of a sentence is the person or thing that lives out the verb.
·         I owe that person $3,000. – I am living out that debt. I is the subject pronoun.
·         He and I had a fight. – This sentence has two subjects because he and I were both involved in the fight.
·         He broke my kneecaps. – You get the idea.
·         To him, I must now pay my children's college funds. – If you'll notice, the verb in this sentence – the action – is "pay." Although I is not at the beginning of the sentence, it is the person living out the action and is, therefore, the subject.
By contrast, objects and object pronouns indicate the recipient of an action or motion. They come after verbs and prepositions (to, with, for, at, on, beside, under, around, etc.).
·         The guy I borrowed money from showed me a crowbar and told me to pay him immediately.
·         I begged him for more time.
·         He said he'd given me enough time already.
·         I tried to dodge the crowbar, but he hit me with it anyway.
·         Just then, the police arrived and arrested us.
Subject vs. Object Pronouns
There is often confusion over which pronouns you should use when you are one half of a dual subject or object. For example, should you say:
·         "Me and him had a fight." or "He and I had a fight?"
·         "The police arrested me and him." or "The police arrested he and I?"
Some people will tell you that you should always put the other person first and refer to yourself as "I" because it's more proper, but those people are wrong. You can put the other person first out of politeness, but you should always use the correct pronouns (subject or object) for the sentence.

A good test to decide which one you need is to try the sentence with one pronoun at a time. Would you say, "Me had a fight?" Of course not. You'd say, "I had a fight." What about, "Him had a fight?" No, you'd say, "He had a fight." So when you put the two subjects together, you get, "He and I had a fight." The same rule applies to the other example. You wouldn't say, "The police arrested he," or, "The police arrested I." You would use "him" and "me."
So the correct sentence is, "The police arrested me and him."

Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns show ownership. The term covers both possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives.
Absolute possessive pronouns – mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its – are truly pronouns because they refer to a previously named or understood noun. They stand alone, not followed by any other noun. Take a look at this sentence:
·         You have your vices, and I have mine.
There are two types of pronouns here: personal (you/I) and possessive (mine). There's also a possessive adjective (your).
Your is followed by the noun vices, so although we know that your refers to you, it is not the noun or the noun substitute (pronoun). Vices is the noun. In the second half of the sentence, however, the noun and the possessive adjective have both been replaced with one word – the pronoun, mine. Because it stands in the place of the noun, mine is an absolute pronoun whereas your is a possessive adjective that must be followed by a noun.
Pronominal possessive adjectives include: my, your, our, their, his, her and its. They are used as pronouns as they refer to an understood noun, showing possession by that noun of something. They are technically adjectives, though, because they modify a noun that follows them.
·         My money is all gone.
·         I gambled it all away on your race horse.
·         His jockey was too fat.
In all of these examples, there is a noun (money, race horse, jockey) that has not been replaced with a pronoun. Instead, an adjective is there to show whose money, horse and jockey we’re talking about.

Indefinite Pronouns
These pronouns do not point to any particular nouns, but refer to things or people in general. Some of them are: few, everyone, all, some, anything, and nobody.
·         Everyone is already here.

Relative Pronouns
These pronouns are used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun. These are: who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whichever, and that.
·         The driver who ran the stop sign was careless.

Intensive Pronouns
These pronouns are used to emphasize a noun or pronoun. These are: myself, himself, herself, themselves, itself, yourself, yourselves, and ourselves.
·         He himself is his worst critic. 

Demonstrative Pronouns
There are five demonstrative pronouns: these, those, this, that, and such. They focus attention on the nouns that are replacing.
·         Such was his understanding.
·         Those are totally awesome.

Interrogative Pronouns
These pronouns are used to begin a question: who, whom, which, what, whoever, whomever, whichever, and whatever.
·         What are you bringing to the party?

Reflexive Pronouns
There is one more type of pronoun, and that is the reflexive pronoun. These are the ones that end in “self” or "selves." They are object pronouns that we use when the subject and the object are the same noun.
·         I told myself not to spend all my money on new shoes.
·         My friend really hurt himself when he tripped on the stairs.
We also use them to emphasize the subject.
·         Usually, the guy I borrowed the money from will send an employee to collect the money, but since I owed so much, he himself came to my house.

Personal Pronouns
-          If we talk about technology, it will be such an endless topic of conversation.
-          It is undeniable that today technology has become a must-have necessity for most people.
-          I think this computer is a quite interesting product that ever created along the history of technology.
-          It maybe almost similar with the GPS tracker’s chip for its usage.
Possessive Pronouns
-          Computers have rapid development from the beginning of its creation until now.
-          It maybe almost similar with the GPS tracker’s chip for its usage.
Indefinite Pronouns
-          Almost in every activities, everyone rely on technology.
Relative Pronouns
-          Starting from a computer which uses a vacuum tube, then transistors, processors (known as Personal Computer), and until now, there are types of computers that can be carried anywhere, which is called a laptop.
-          Even recently, there is a very small computer which is made by the famous hardware and software company, IBM.
-          IBM released a computer which is claimed as the smallest computer in the world.
-          This computer has a small dimension, which is around 1x1mm.
-          The features of the computer have a processor that has several hundreds of thousands of transistors, SRAM memory, and also there are communication units that uses LED and photo detector to communicate.
-          In the case of delivery of the goods, this computer could work as a kind of "digital watermarks" which embedded in the goods to prevent counterfeiting and misuse in the logistic routes.

Based on what has been described above, this micro computer is very useful for industrial companies in minimizing losses because it can prevent the occurrence of theft, fraud, and misuse of the goods. I hope it could be developed and produced for use of the daily activities and also added more features just like on the computer in general. For the analysis of the background by using pronouns’s theory, the use of relative pronouns’s type are most widely found.

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